Message header
<orgSender name="clientname">
<idOrg src="SUTI:idLink" id="clientsw_clientname_0024" unique="true"/>
<orgReceiver name="providername">
<idOrg src="SUTI:idLink" id="providersw_providername_0009" unique="true"/>
Every message in SUTI is part of a message that should conform to check of syntax delivered by a
SUTI schema found in Public documents. It has the tag <SUTI> as a start.
IT is immediately followed by the orgSender and orgReceiver that should be a wordwide unique
combination. In case the msg is sent from client the followning should be true. It is reversed if the
message is sent from provider.
orgSender is provided by clientsw-company and should be found in the Self Declaration. It shall be
unique by clientsw-company, thus a counter _xxxx is added.
orgProvider is provided by providersw-company and is exchanged between the parties before
each new communication is set up. It shall be unique by providersw-company, thus a counter
_xxxx is added.
At least the clientsw and providersw-names should be approved by SUTI TC and the companies
be members of SUTI.
<orgSender name="Provider name">
<idOrg src="SUTI:idlink" id="providersw_providername_0009" unique="true"/>
<orgReceiver name="Client name">
<idOrg src="SUTI:idlink" id="clientsw_clientname_0024" unique="true"/>
<msg msgType="2001" msgName="Order confirmation">
<idMsg src="providersw_providername_0009:idMsg" id="2020090915405027" unique="true"/>
<idOrder src="providersw_providername_0009:idOrder" id="2068608-0"/>
<idOrder src="clientsw_clientname_0024:idOrder" id="482" unique="true"/>
<idMsg src="clientsw_clientname_0024:idMsg" id="2020090915822999" unique="true"/>
Above is a complete example of a SUTI-msg.
In addition to SUTI-id it also containis a msg-tag and includes the referenceTo-tag used to include vital exchange of id.
It is a typical example of the message 2001-Order confirmation holding the idMsg and idOrder from clientsw-system and the corresponding idOrder in the providersw-system.